Thursday, September 11, 2014

Preamble, way to make it your own~

Here's a funny way to present the Preamble! Enjoy!!
(way to go MIKE!!!)

October, Masters Inspirements


Master Class Memory:

"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?"
                                                                   Thomas Jefferson

Word Study-

*choose a word from any of your studies for Masters Class and do a word study on it.

Constitution Study

*This month we will be studying Article 1 Sections 1-5. Read them, learn them understand them.
*Do something to help you understand them. You can do an artistic representation, a summary in your own words. Anything that helps you to understand these Sections. Add these to your tomes, as you are starting a Constitution Study. You may want to refer to Our Constitution Rocks, a core class book.
* Choose one, and email Sister Gilbert which you would like to present in Masters Class this week. Then choose a way to come present and teach that Section. Come with a powerful presentation, a way that everyone can understand and remember what that section says, and most importantly what it means.

We will be playing a constitution game, in class.

Read We hold these truths to be self evident

     *The Law of Limits
     *The Law of Delegation

*Write an essay about one of them.

We will present them to the class and discuss them together. To help with your public speaking, practice reading your essay in front of a mirror or to an audience who will listen! I would love for you to be familiar with your essay, so you can give it with confidence and like you are speaking in front of a large audience!

Here is an online article and website to help take you step by step through the process of writing an essay. You can read the 10 essay writing tips, and then follow the steps if you would like, to help you in your essay writing.

*Apply one of the laws to YOU! Find an article, news clip, political cartoon, scripture story, or personal story that relates this to your life. Make it real, and apply it to our world. Come Prepared to share it.


Watch the following short clip

Obedience to law is Liberty

*While you are watching it keep a pencil and paper close. Jot down any thoughts or quotes that came to your mind.

Read Seven Principles of Liberty by J. David Gowdy, from the institute for American Liberty

This article can be found online

*Either take notes from this reading, print it off and highlight it, or forward your favorite quotes from the article to the Vanguard yahoo group

*Find one example of these 7 principles of Liberty. This can be from today or from the past. Please put any links to articles or examples in the comments section of this blog. Then come prepared to tell us all about it, and answer our questions.

*It's time to teach!! Please choose one of the 7 principles listed in this article to present in class.
Please let Abby Gilbert know which of the 7 principles you would like to Present at our Masters Class. This will be first ask first receive, so don't procrastinate or you might have to choose another one! How you present is up to you! Make it memorable, and informative!!

Now Do something with it! Let's make a mind map!

After all your studies, take some time to reflect on your studies in Leadership Academy, Virtue and Liberty! How can you take these studies and apply them to your life.... to your mission?

Here is a fun informative image to help you mind map, effectively! This is just an idea, an example. Make it your own! Bring them to class and we will have some time to reflect some of our thoughts.

October, Journeyman Inspirements

Journeyman Memory Work
In order for us to understand and know Citizenship, and leadership we must have the thoughts and ideas of those great leaders in our minds. We must engrain words of wisdom into our minds, to enlighten us. So when we come to times in our lives, we can use these words. I will be adding a monthly Memory Work for Journeyman and Masters Class. Here is this months:

There is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists... an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness.

                                                               George Washington


Find one Scripture that relates to our theme of Virtue, and the pillar of Liberty.

*Come prepared to share it with the class. Try to memorize it, too.

The Declaration of Independence

Read Promises of the Constitution

*Chapters 3.7-3.13
*Chapter 4
*take notes, or write one main topic sentence per section.
*Compare at least one example from the scriptures of people who were willing to sacrifice their lives for truth, virtue, sacred honor, and integrity. Come prepared to discuss and defend your choice!

We will be playing a Declaration of Independence Scavenger Hunt, in class!!!

*Bring a treat to share! A non messy finger food, would be best!

Watch the following video

Read Ourselves in Modern English

Here is the link to read it online.
*Read Part 2 The House of the Mind.
*Take some time to journal or mind map about how this applies to our principle of the month, Virtue. Along with our pillar of Liberty. Make some connections, and apply these principles to your own life. Set some goals, and make this a meaningful. A personal time to relate, and ponder.

The following is a link to a fun article to help you make mind maps fun and more powerful.

Monthly Hero Report!

*Choose a Hero that you feel displays Virtue. Study them. Write your report.
*Then prepare a way to present your hero! The skies the limit! Think of ways that through your presentation you will inspire others in the class. Peek their interest and curiosity in your hero!

If you need help with how to do a Monthly Hero Report I have added the blog post with the  instructions to this blog. Please refer to it, if needed.

Here is an informative video to help you with a 5 paragraph essay.
This might be helpful for writing your reports!

and here's a link for writing an outline for a report

These are optional, and are offered for you to use as you feel you want to improve your writing skills.
Remember if you want feedback, please write "feedback please" on your report, and turn it in to me. If you don't want feedback, please turn it in, so I can read it, see you did it. The main reason, is I take notes about ideas for ways to help everyone learn to write a report more effectively.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014



1. Please read from We hold these truths to be self-evident
* Prologue: Natural Law Matters

2. Read the following from We hold these truths to be self-evident.
*Chapter 1: "The law of Supremacy"
*Chapter 2: "The law of Authority"

3.Write a short essay on one of these readings from number 2.
I would like you to choose one of the 5 different types of  essays explained on the following link.

These will be turned in and corrected. Please make sure it is a final copy, and ready for examination.

Our Leadership Focus for this month will be

John and Abigail Adams!

4. Please read the letters of John and Abigail Adams. You may read a book from your personal library, the public library or the following links will work. 
No you don't need to read all of them!!! Skim through them, find one that you LOVE!
Here are a few ideas:
* One that you feel goes perfectly with our Principle of Following God and/or Humility.
*One that shows that they were true statesmen, fulfilling their life's mission.
*One that inspires you to be a better leader.
5. Now take that letter, or a sample of a few of the letters and do something with it. This can be anything that you feel will explain the reason you choose it. Come prepared to present it in class. In a sense you are trying to prove your choice, your opinion to others in the class.
Each month we will be doing a Constitution Study. 
You will be breaking down the constitution, and making it yours!!!
Similar to Juliette Turner, who wrote our constitution rocks!
Here is a portion of what inspired me to do this Constitution Study with you. I hope it inspires you as much as it did me! :)
"... the Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God. It is a heavenly banner; it is to all those who are privileged with the sweets of its liberty, like the cooling shades and refreshing waters of a great rock in a thirsty and weary land. It is like a great tree under whose branches men from every clime can be shielded from the burning rays of the sun."
History of the Church Vol. 3, Page 304
This month we will focus on the Preamble.
6.  Research the Preamble, pick it apart, and make it yours!!!
Then design a page for your "book" all about the preamble.
Make it yours, and make it unforgettable!!!
I look forward to seeing what you will create, what you will think and how we will teach each other!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Instructions for a Hero Study, and Report.

Hero Study 

Remember, the main point of studying a hero is to find the heroic qualities you admire about them and apply those qualities to your own life! 

Choose a person you admire from the time period we’re studying (approximately 1500 to 1850). Research and take notes on that person. This could include a founding father or mother, an inventor, musician, religious leader, author, ancestor, or someone else you admire and want to learn more about. Use a book from the recommended hero book list,(listed below) or find other sources with the approval of your parents. 

(Note: Wikipedia is not allowed. Copying and pasting is not allowed. This needs to be in your own words.)  

Here are some ideas of thing you could include in your notes: 

your hero’s life and experiences
how you think they filled the mission God sent them to live
how their hard work helped them
what was their education like, how did it improve their life or mission
what were their talents, how did others see them, how did they help them to better their life
life challenges that helped them become a better person and do something worthwhile
how you can see God's hand in his or her life
what Christlike characteristics that person had that you admire 
Be sure to include what characteristics you admire about your hero, and your plan to develop one of those characteristics

Hero Report

From the notes you wrote about your hero, type or write a report about them.  

Hand in your report so we can see that you did it. It won't be graded or anything. If you'd like to become a better writer, you can write at the top "Feedback please." 

Hero Presentation

Have fun with this!  After researching your hero and taking notes, find some fun ways to present your hero to us!  Be prepared to present between 3-5 Minutes, have fun and make it great and unique!   

Here are some ideas: 

  • Dress up as your hero and read us your hero report, or an original work that truly inspired you.
  • Show pictures of your hero and some of the things he or she did to make the world a better place 
  • Perform part of a speech your hero gave, or play part of a musical composition he or she wrote
  • Show us a short video clip about your hero as part of your presentation. Please make sure part of your presentation is also you presenting!
  • Create a skit that portrays your hero’s characteristics and what he or she accomplished 
  • Write a poem about your hero 
  • A short game to help you teach the class interesting things about your hero

Recommended Booklist:

Even though these are recommended, please make your choices with your parents. You are welcome to use any books that are approved by your parents, and that hold to the Vanguard Standards.  
Great American Statesmen and Heroes, by Catherine Millard (1995) 
Builders of our Country II, by G. Southward (1907, FREE at
Heroes of Progress in America, by Charles Morris (1906, FREE at
For You They Signed, by Marilyn Boyer (2010, by a homeshool mother of 14 children) 
The Founders: The 39 Stories Behind the US Constitution (2005, this one didn't state a Christian viewpoint, but I included it in the list because I didn't find as many books about Constitution signers as for Declaration signers) 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

JourneyMan, September Inspirements

September Journeyman Inspirements.

1. Please Read Promises of the Constitution: Section 12 Who is Changing the Constitution?
 (Pages 245-276) and the Prologue.
...then either Take notes of your readings, or write a short one sentence summary about each mini section.

2. Then Please Read the following article: God's Hand in our Nations History

3. After Please Watch the following video:

If the video doesn't come up, here's the YouTube link
4. Now think about these readings, and your word study on Humility from core class.
In what ways do they connect? How does God's Hand improve your life? In what ways do you see God's Hand in both the Making of America, and the Birth of our Constitution?

5. Please read the following sections from "Ourselves in Modern English" by Charlotte Mason


"The country of Mansoul. The Perils of Mansoul. The Government of Mansoul."

*A look at who we are, and why we are.*

6. Take a few moments to consider what this sections is talking about. How it connects to the principle of the month, Humility. Along with what makes a meaningful life, and brings happiness? How is God involved in your happiness?

7. Journal about some of these thoughts. You can journal in many different ways. Please don't feel you must just write. You can write, draw, or do a mind map of your thoughts. Anything that allows some of your thoughts from these readings to be recorded. Take 20-30 Minutes and ponder over these ideas.

8. Find at least one scripture that comes to mind that connects to your studies. Bring it to share with the class.

9. Now take that knowledge, and Do Something With It!!!
 (choose atleast one from this list, or something of your own!)

* Do a word study on another word you thought of during these readings. It can be a synonym or antonym.
*Write a Poem, song, short story about how this has made you feel.
*Come prepared to teach us about something you have learned from the section or mini sections from the book Promises of the Constitution. You can do a power point/prezi, whiteboard lesson, object lesson, game or activity, simulation, show a video or song that demonstrates that topic. Please choose something specific and come prepared to teach it.
*Make a chart, a T-chart or Venn Chart etc, to compare and contrast God's hand American then and now. Find some interesting facts to support your comparisons.
*Read more indepth from the scriptures in the article, God's Hand in our Nations History. Come prepared to teach us about your discoveries, and a way to show us what you learned.
*Make a visual that shows the " of oneself" as described in the book ourselves

Each month as part of our journeyman class, I would like you to choose a Hero that demonstrates the principle for that month. I would prefer you choose someone who lived during the time periods we are studying. Please prayerfully ponder over whom you can choose. Whom you feel truly demonstrates our principle this month. Please see the tab at the top of this blog for full instructions.

Please write a Report about that person. As to the length and structure of the report that will be up to you, and your running partners qualifications. I will collect these reports, I will look over them, and make sure you are completing them. I will not correct them, unless you specifically ask me to. Please write on the report "FEEDBACK PLEASE" If you would like your report to be checked for grammar, structure, spelling, etc. Again this will only strengthen your writing skills. So please use this monthly report for your benefit!

Before you begin, you might want to look at this article How to prepare and give a speech I will add articles and tips throughout the year for tools to write and present your hero speeches.

Then I would like you to choose a way to present your report during class.
Come prepared to teach us all about your hero!!!
Think of ways to make this fun, and unique.

If you need help, have questions, please email Sister Gilbert,

Friday, April 4, 2014

April: Journeyman Inspirements

-Do the inspirements in both sections to gain leadership skills-

SECTION 1: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
1.      Read Chapters 6 & 7 and last page of book!
2.      Choose a way to make the things you've read this year in seven habits your own! Something to help you remember what you have learned!
Be creative, and have fun! I don't want to give suggestions on here about it, as I want it to be YOURS! However if you need help please email Sister Gilbert, or call me at 801-643-1742. If you have questions, or concerns!
We will be taking some time during class to share what we made. Then I will have a fun activity to sum up our book! If any youth would like to help, please contact me!

*choose a baby step from either chapter, or make up your own, to do. Journal about your experience, or share it with someone.
*write down your favorite quote, or summarize your favorite story.
II. GAIN UNDERSTANDING: After you have read the book, pick something that came up in your studies or that came to mind as you were studying it and study it deeper to gain better understanding.  Check out the blog for ideas and suggestions, but make it your own!
            My project for understanding is: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
III INTELLIGENCE: Come prepared to participate in a simulation!