Wednesday, September 11, 2013

October CORE and Journeyman Inspirements

Come ready to share what you have memorized for this week!!
 Habit 1 "Be Proactive!":led by our very own Miriam! :)  Read the chapter and write down your favorite quotes, and do at least one of the baby steps.

*Please consult your parents before reading the section on "Rising above Abuse," pg 58-59 to determine if you should read it.  Thanks!

Gain Knowledge by doing all of the following:
1. Do a word study on a synonym of  "Idealism": hope, noble, nobility, etc.
2. Read the scripture and poem for the month.
3. Read "The Alliance" by Gerald Lund.
4. Read the scripture and poem again.

 Create Understanding by doing one or more of the following: (Please pray about which one you need to do for this, not just which looks the easiest, to truly take ownership of your education and do hard things! I promise it will be worth it!)
--Pick out two people that were "idealistic" in this book and write a paper comparing them.
--Do a complete graphic summary with title, summary, images, and moral
--Draw a picture of one of the characters in a situation where their idealism is being tested
--Make a poem about one of the characters that inspired you with their idealism.
--Memorized the whole poem (not just the bold part!) and do it for your family or in Vanguard, along with a little summary of how it could relate to the book.

Create Intelligence by:
--coming prepared to do a simulation in Vanguard!  Woohoo!


1. The Art of Argument!: assignment coming soon :)!
Everyone read chapter 1 ( page 31-51) Choose your favorite fallacy(s) from that chapter and bring 2-3 examples or make up your own to share in class.
      We will be starting a fallacy page where we put every fallacy we learn for the month and the definition so don't forget your tomes!

2. Civility In 60 Seconds or Less!: Pick one of the civility virtues and come prepared to teach it in 60 seconds or less!  (Try to make it memorable :)!)

3. Whatever Happened To Justice

Do ALL of the following: 
·        1. Read Chapters 4,6,7,9, and 12.  (We already read chapter 4 but please read it again so that we can discuss what common law is.  For our activity we are going to go Station Park and ask people if they know what common law is and we want to be prepared.  Giotto’s after…yummm!)
          2. Do a graphic summary of Chapter 4.  (This will help you understand and remember how common law came about.)

·         3. Write in your own words what common law is and why it is important.  Bring this to class so we can use it to role play in preparation for our outing.
      4. Read "The Most Dangerous Game"...think about what it has to do with "justice" :)... 
The Most Dangerous Game  (free online version...short story)

Choose one or more activities from the following or create your own activities to help you better understand what you studied about common law.  Come prepared to share your inspirements in class.

·       -In Chapter 4, Uncle Eric discusses the concept of precedents and case law.  Make a list of laws/rules that govern your family.  Ask your parents about the reasons why they established these laws.  Are they based upon precedents, case law, custom, or higher law?   Remember, God expects us to honor our parents.  Please be respectful and civil as you discuss your family rules with your parents.  

·        -In Chapter 6 we learned how early Common Law was enforced.  Read about some courtroom cases in the news or watch courtroom shows (with parental permission).  How are the guilty parties “punished” for their wrongdoings?  If they are sent to jail, is that really helping pay their debt to society?  Now imagine you are the judge under the common law system—how would you have “punished” the guilty party to make him/her pay restitution to his/her victims? 

·         -In Chapter 9 we learned about tacit contracts.  Make a list of tacit agreements or violations that occur in the home or in the community.  Share your list at Vanguard and teach us what you learned. 

·        -Make a list of ambient encroachments that are acceptable and another list of ambient encroachments that are unacceptable in your neighborhood/community.  Teach us what you learned.

·       -Following are examples of encroachment and contract.  Select three examples (or create your own) and explain how you would solve each of the situations.  Record your solutions and share in class.
o   A child is very noisy in a public place because the child wants something the parent is not willing or able to provide.
o   Children in a car become so loud the driver’s concentration is impaired.
o   A child is in his/her room playing music.  The music is so loud everyone else in the house is also hearing the music.
o   A child refused to share a toy.

·        -Answer the following questions and share in class. 
o   The common law tradition holds that there is no such thing as a lawless place.  Do you agree with this?  Why or why not?
o   Is common law scientifically provable?
Outing to Station Park to interview (and maybe even teach) people about common law.   

3-5 Field trip to Harmon's Station and gelattos!
We're taking a poll!

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