--Make a visual path of your life (on a powerpoint, in a play, or in a drawing) that represents your own life, with some "lunch sacks" that have been given to you.
--Find someone that you feel is "successful" and ask them what it is that they look for in life? What is in their own lunch sacks? Record what you learned and bring it to share.
--Write down a list of things you would like to have in a "lunch sack" and put it into a lunch sack. Carry it around for a day and whenever you get discouraged or down, open it up and look at it. How did it make you feel?
--Tell the story to someone else in your own words and have a discussion about it. Bring back and share any conclusions, ideas or ah-ha's you might have had in your discussion.
--Make a list of every time someone acted with initiative in the book, with page numbers included.
--Act out a scene from the book, write an essay about it, or do a T-chart comparing and contasting two of the characters in the book.
--Pick someone in your family. Ask them what their goals are for the day. Pretend like you have the same goals and follow them around for a couple hours. What was it like? (Your mom, your brother, the dog...) Come and tell us!
--Make a "treasure hunt" where someone has to listen to recorded instructions at different points. Follow them to see how they do. Come and tell us how it went!
--Find someone that you feel is "successful" and ask them what it is that they look for in life? What is in their own lunch sacks? Record what you learned and bring it to share.
--Write down a list of things you would like to have in a "lunch sack" and put it into a lunch sack. Carry it around for a day and whenever you get discouraged or down, open it up and look at it. How did it make you feel?
--Tell the story to someone else in your own words and have a discussion about it. Bring back and share any conclusions, ideas or ah-ha's you might have had in your discussion.
--Make a list of every time someone acted with initiative in the book, with page numbers included.
--Act out a scene from the book, write an essay about it, or do a T-chart comparing and contasting two of the characters in the book.
--Pick someone in your family. Ask them what their goals are for the day. Pretend like you have the same goals and follow them around for a couple hours. What was it like? (Your mom, your brother, the dog...) Come and tell us!
--Make a "treasure hunt" where someone has to listen to recorded instructions at different points. Follow them to see how they do. Come and tell us how it went!
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