Monday, January 27, 2014

FEB: Journeyman


Leadership Skills: 7 Habits

Read both chapters
*The Relationship Bank Account
*Habit 4- Think win-win 
*Prayerfully look at the baby steps and choose at least one to work on.

Choose one of the following:
Come prepared to discuss and inspire each other!
  • Choose a habit or babystep that has developed your personal growth! You may also come prepared to share past baby steps too, which have helped you or inspired you!
  •  find someone who has shown examples of the habits or baby steps in your life. This can be  someone you know or someone you have seen or heard about. Anyone you feel is an example of being an effective person (teen or adult)

 I'd love to have some of you share and inspire everyone else with your examples! 

Biography focus: We will be studying Niankoro Yeah Samake and the election process

UNDERSTANDING: Then do all the following:
-take either what you have learned in the above article about him or on the link here and learn more about anything you feel inspired to learn about Samake’s life, his political career, etc.  Present it in any way you’d like: play, powerpoint, map, song, dance, collection of quotes from him, etc.
-Take a word that you believe describes him and do a word study on it.

 INTELLIGENCE:  Do one or both  of the following:
-Imagine you were running for office: think of at least three issues you would stand for, write them down, and bring them to class.
-Design your own campaign posters and bring them to class.

KNOWLEDGE:  Review the election process in the United States by watching or reading the following:
-Electoral college schoolhouse rock
(or you can replace one of the above by reading a book on electoral process from library)

UNDERSTANDING: Create understanding by doing one or both of the following or come up with one of the following:
-Record on a piece of paper, model or graph what you learned about the election process and show it to your parents or your mentor in class. 
-Do a graphic summary of a particular election if you would like.

INTELLIGENCE: Create intelligence by coming and participating in our very own elections!!

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